Recent Polls Show Public Support for Immigration

Recent polls show growing support for immigration

Misconceptions regarding immigration

Nowadays, immigration is a fairly extensive topic. This is because international transit has always been important around the world, even in times when there were no globalization or technological tools to easily move from one place to another. During the last decades, immigration levels have increased substantially, unleashing a gigantic social controversy related to this sector.

However, being a contentious topic, there is also misinformation or conjectures regarding immigration, which are often not supported by official figures or research. This happens mainly in countries with a high flow of immigrants.

For instance, this is the case in the US, where the local population tends to have a firm stance on immigration, but citizens do not always know about what is really going on with this sector (also read: What Do Americans Really Know About Immigration?).

It is possible that strict and restrictive ideals come mainly from certain subjective discourses of leaders who do not support immigration. However, regardless of what the source of misconceptions is among the American population when it comes to immigration, it is imperative to understand that real figures usually show that local citizens increasingly support immigration and understand that the local immigration system urgently needs restructuring.

Do you need help with an immigration case of any kind? Contact Motion Law Immigration, schedule a FREE Consultation, and follow the advice of our experienced attorneys.

Recent polls show growing support for immigration

One of Motion Law’s duties as an experienced immigration law firm is to keep up to date with the most recent changes in immigration policy and the most important and latest news in this essential sector.

Recently, we have noticed that there have been several polls, mainly during the last year, that reveal that the American population increasingly supports immigration, including undocumented immigrants, and knows the positive impact of foreigners on the local economic system, despite having an administration that did not support immigration (Trump / 2017-2021).

Let’s look at some important examples:

  • A poll conducted in January 2021 reveals that, out of 1,990 American adults, 57% support the idea of ​​offering a path to citizenship to undocumented immigrants who meet certain eligibility criteria, a figure that is quite high compared to the results of 2017.
  • The CATO Institute conducted a survey in April 2021, which reveals that 91% of respondents (2,600 American adults) support immigration in general. Adding to that, the survey shows that 19% more respondents support increased immigration compared to the 90s.
  • A poll, also conducted in April 2021, reveals that 68% of respondents (5,109 American adults) believe that eligible undocumented immigrants should have access to legal immigration processes such as a path to Lawful Permanent Residence.
  • A poll conducted by Matt Barreto reveals that 71% of respondents (1,000 American adults) think the US needs changes to the immigration system, especially legislative action.

Visit our Blog section to stay up to date with the latest immigration news, policies and measures.

This is the right time to start your immigration journey in the US!

We understand that starting an immigration process requires constant dedication and expert help. Our team is highly qualified to guide you through your immigration journey in the US, so please don’t hesitate to contact us for a FREE Phone Consultation with one of our expert immigration attorneys.

Simply call Motion Law today at: (202) 918-1799.