House of Representatives will not Vote on Biden’s Immigration Reform this Month

House of Representatives still to review Biden's immigration bill

House of Representatives must decide on several immigration proposals

Immigration has always been a contentious issue among the American population and members of the US government. This is mainly because it is an issue that usually requires a strict stance, whether one agrees with welcoming immigration policies or restrictive immigration policies, although this is not always the case.

Adding to that, the US is the destination of millions of immigrants and, therefore, the flow of foreigners is quite high, which increases the controversy. With this, we refer to the fact that the local immigration system offers options to all kinds of immigrant communities, from people in need of international protection who apply to humanitarian programs such as political asylum, to highly qualified foreign workers, investors, entrepreneurs and businessmen.

Currently, there is a growing debate regarding immigration within Congress, which must decide on several immigration proposals introduced or reintroduced after President Biden took office in late January 2021.

For instance, the US House of Representatives will vote on two immigration proposals next week. On the one hand, members of the House must decide on an Act that would open a path to legal permanent residence for undocumented farmworkers. On the other hand, members of the House must decide on an Act that would offer a path to citizenship for Dreamers, who are undocumented immigrants who came to the US as minors.

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House of Representatives still to review Biden’s immigration bill

Aside from immigration proposals introduced by Democratic members, the US House of Representatives must also vote on Biden’s immigration bill, which, if passed, would promote the first comprehensive immigration reform in decades.

The Biden administration introduced the immigration bill in pieces, which includes multiple important aspects of the local immigration system, such as:

  • Surveillance and security at the US borders.
  • Business immigration programs.
  • Programs based on family ties for relatives of American citizens or LPRs (Lawful Permanent Residents).
  • Humanitarian alternatives for the most vulnerable immigrant populations such as political asylum and the refugee program.
  • Programs for international students and employment alternatives for newly graduates.
  • Path to citizenship for millions of immigrants currently residing in the US undocumented, as long as they meet mandatory requirements.
  • Reduce backlogs in thousands of pending immigration cases and improve the effectiveness of immigration processes, also reducing waiting times.

Through this immigration bill, the Biden administration plans to reform and restructure the entire immigration system and implement policies in line with current global needs to encourage international cooperation.

However, the US House of Representatives recently stated that it will not decide on Biden’s immigration bill this month, but will instead be a priority during April. This month, House members will focus on other smaller immigration proposals.

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We understand that starting an immigration process requires constant dedication and expert help. Our team is highly qualified to guide you through your immigration journey in the US, so please don’t hesitate to contact us for a FREE Phone Consultation with one of our expert immigration attorneys.

Simply call Motion Law today at: (202) 918-1799.