Weather Conditions Also Increase the Flow of Migrants

Adverse weather conditions force thousands of people to migrate

Biden still has to control the current border situation

The current administration of the US is facing a gigantic crossroads and different challenges due to a substantial increase in mass irregular migration from Central America. The surge of illegal border crossings is now national news and has drawn the attention of the American public for the past two months, putting President Joe Biden’s immigration plans at risk, including a rather ambitious immigration bill that is currently under congressional review.

It is indeed clear that President Biden has a more welcoming stance on immigration compared to former President Donald Trump, but is his administration entirely responsible for the surge of illegal border crossings?

According to the opinion of activists and immigrant rights advocates, opposition groups and certain members of Congress are taking the opportunity to criticize and demerit Biden’s immigration policies to be able to delay comprehensive immigration reform, which is his administration’s goal when it comes to the immigration system.

Adding to that, dozens of experts also explain that there are other situations, regardless of the country’s administration and its policies, that force thousands of Central American citizens to seek new opportunities in other territories. These conditions are usually inherent in their countries of origin and are related to the lack of resources in certain regions of the American continent.

Seek reliable help when starting your immigration journey in the US, contact Motion Law and follow the advice of our experienced attorneys!

Adverse weather conditions force thousands of people to migrate

Several Central American countries recently felt the impact of natural disasters, which created truly adverse situations for many local communities and citizens. In fact, in one of our most recent articles, we talked about two hurricanes that hit Central America in November 2020, leaving thousands of families affected amid the health crisis caused by the global Coronavirus pandemic.

As a result of these natural disasters, weather conditions have affected local farms and worsened the local economic situation, which was already unstable even before the arrival of the pandemic.

Therefore, according to the opinion of several experts, climate change derived from these natural disasters also contributed to the increase in massive irregular migration to the US. What is really happening in several Central American countries is that the lack of resources and the repercussions of natural disasters worsened certain underlying problems such as violence, war, social insecurity, famine, adverse weather conditions, inter alia, which naturally forces thousands of individuals and families to migrate, regardless of the US’ immigration policies.

Do you need help with an immigration case of any kind?

We like to keep you up to date with the latest immigration news. Apart from that, our team is also highly qualified to guide you through your immigration journey in the US.

We understand that starting an immigration process requires constant dedication and expert help. Our team is highly qualified to guide you through your immigration journey in the US, so please don’t hesitate to contact us for a FREE Phone Consultation with one of our expert immigration attorneys.

Simply call Motion Law today at: (202) 918-1799.