VP Harris Asks Congress to Support Dreamers

Vice President Harris Calls for Legalization for Dreamers

Vice President Harris Calls for Legalization for Dreamers

On June 15, during the anniversary of DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals), Vice President Kamala Harris had a meeting with a group of young women, care professionals, where she discussed about options available to immigrants known as Dreamers and commented on the importance of providing a path to legal documentation for these essential workers.

At this point, it is important to explain that:

  • The term Dreamers refers to immigrants who came to the US as minors and who, in their vast majority, do not have legal documentation, but are an active part of the local workforce and the social fabric.
  • DACA is a deportation relief program implemented by Obama in 2012. This immigration benefit currently protects hundreds of thousands of eligible Dreamers and gives them the opportunity to work and access certain public services. However, it is not a permanent benefit.

Returning to the vice president issue, during the meeting with Dreamers, Harris emphasized the need to provide a path to legal residency for young immigrants and called on Congress to support these essential communities by passing legalization for them. In fact, Harris openly stated, “Even with DACA in place, we know that Dreamers live in a constant state of fear about their status and about their future. It is critically important that we provide a pathway to citizenship to give people a sense of certainty and a sense of security”.

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The Biden administration urges Congress to pass immigration reform

This is not the first time that the Biden administration has mentioned the importance of resolving the debate around immigrants living in the US undocumented, especially when it comes to young immigrants like Dreamers and essential workers like farmers.

In fact, the Biden administration, clearly including Vice President Harris, is urging Congress to review several immigration bills currently on the table that could be instrumental in pushing forward the first comprehensive immigration reform in decades.

President Biden and his team strongly support the ideal of restructuring the local immigration system to expand the alternatives available to all kinds of foreign communities and repair the damage caused by the Trump administration to the most vulnerable populations.

Therefore, Biden’s immigration proposals are mainly focused on implementing policies that are more humane, just and aligned with the needs of an increasingly globalized and interconnected world.

Do not hesitate to seek help for your immigration process, it is undoubtedly the best alternative to protect your future. Contact Motion Law Immigration and follow the advice of our experienced attorneys through a FREE Consultation!

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It is no secret that starting an immigration process in the US is not always the easiest task. However, our team of experts really simplifies the process for you and can provide constant accompaniment during your immigration journey. Please don’t hesitate to contact us for a FREE Phone Consultation with one of our expert immigration attorneys.

Simply call Motion Law today at: (202) 918-1799.