Vice President Harris to Meet with Dreamers

Legalization for young undocumented immigrants
Thousands of foreign communities have come to the US throughout history thanks to different and diverse processes. Therefore, there are many immigrant populations that have resided in the country for decades and are now part of the American social fabric and the local workforce.
To give a specific example, there is a fairly popular and controversial immigrant community known as “Dreamers”. This term refers to young non-citizens who were brought to the US without legal documentation when they were minors.
Many of them have lived in the US for as long as they can remember and know almost nothing about their countries of origin. Dreamers have lived in the shadows for several decades and have had to resort to different alternatives in order to request legal documentation.
The social controversy around Dreamers is gigantic mainly because, despite the fact that they came to the country as children and most likely it was not their decision to cross the borders without prior authorization, they are still part of undocumented immigrant communities.
However, in 2012, in the absence of better resources and means to protect young immigrants, the Barack Obama administration implemented DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals), which is a deportation relief program (temporary) that protects eligible Dreamers and gives them the opportunity to obtain employment authorization and access other public services.
Do not hesitate to Contact Motion Law Immigration when starting an immigration process of any kind. Schedule a FREE Consultation and follow the advice of our experienced attorneys.
VP Harris to meet with DACA recipients
Since President Biden took office in early 2021, his administration has sought to restructure the entire immigration system in order to protect communities like Dreamers and offer permanent solutions to these young immigrants who have become essential workers.
However, in order to permanently legalize Dreamers, the Biden administration still needs support from Congress to pass certain immigration bills. Therefore, for now, the current administration of the US is trying to improve the local immigration system using all the resources and tools at its disposal while the House of Representatives and the Senate (the two branches of Congress) intervene in the debate around immigration and specifically about Dreamers.
In fact, on Tuesday, June 15, during the 9th anniversary of DACA, Vice President Kamala Harris plans to meet with a group of six young women, who are DACA recipients and care professionals (nurses, social workers, teachers, inter alia).
The goal of the meeting is to discuss the feasibility of offering a path to legalization for these brilliant minds who belong to all kinds of sectors and contribute greatly to the socio-economic development of the nation.
Follow the advice of experts during your immigration process!
Migrating safely is essential to meeting your goals in the US, caring for your beloved ones, and building the future you’ve always dreamed of. Therefore, seeking reliable help from experts on immigration matters is undoubtedly the best alternative.
We understand that starting an immigration process requires constant dedication and expert help. Our team is highly qualified to guide you through your immigration journey in the US, so please don’t hesitate to contact us for a FREE Phone Consultation with one of our expert immigration attorneys.
Simply call Motion Law today at: (202) 918-1799.