Trump’s Administration Might Lose Support from the Biggest Republican State

Texas might suffer the consequences of Trump's last memorandum

Texas, the biggest Republican state in the country

During past two presidential elections, Texas has been the state most inclined towards the Republican political party, just as California is the state most inclined towards the Democratic political party.

At the same time, Texas is one of the states with the most undocumented immigrants in the country due to its proximity to the borders between Mexico and the US.

Thus, the state has thousands of immigrants residing there without legal authorization while waiting for a response to their immigration requests.

Currently, several Texas counties decided to join the lawsuit filed by 35 states against President Trump’s latest official order.

The president wants to exclude undocumented immigrants from the national census and from the count to distribute Congress seats to each state.

This has generated great controversy in the country because the national census is done every 10 years and is actually used to count the number of people residing in the US, regardless of whether they are citizens or not, whether they are minors or not.

In addition to that, the census also helps the government to grant funds to each state and thus be able to invest in local sectors for socio-economic development.

Trump could lose the support of Texas, the biggest republican state in the country

It is well known that the current administration of the US, headed by President Donald Trump, is facing a wide variety of controversies and lawsuits due to:

  • The management of the massive Coronavirus outbreak.
  • The reaction to the global pandemic.
  • Sudden changes in immigration policies.
  • Express deportations in the midst of a health crisis, including immigrant minors.
  • The memorandum signed by the President to exclude undocumented immigrants from the 2020 national census.

In addition to that, the state of Texas could change its opinion regarding the current administration of the US, since excluding undocumented immigrants from Congress distribution would greatly affect this state.

With the presidential election getting closer, this would be detrimental to the Trump government, which is seeking re-election in November 2020.

The official figures

According to an official report from The Texas Tribute, which is a non-profit organization that exposes all the political news involving Texas, the state has a total of 6% of undocumented immigrants.

It means that the population density has increased in this state due to the presence of immigrants who crossed the borders of the US without legal authorization.

If President Trump continues to remove undocumented immigrants from the congressional count, his closest ally, Texas, could suffer the consequences of this decision.

For instance, the state would have less funds to invest in health, medicine, public benefits, infrastructure, social security, inter alia.

The Texas Tribute declares that this order is unconstitutional and in fact quotes the Constitution of the US stating that: “Representatives (from Congress) shall be apportioned among the several States according to their respective numbers, counting the whole number of persons in each State, excluding Indians not taxed”.

Therefore, if the Trump government does not try to resolve this controversy, the case will most likely have to go to a local court.

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