Mass Immigration from Central America to Challenge Next Government

Wave of immigrants coming from Central America

Central American countries in the midst of the global pandemic

The arrival of the global Coronavirus pandemic and the massive outbreak around the world definitely took the population and governments by surprise. Each country implemented policies and emergency measures that it considered most appropriate taking into account current circumstances of its territories.

However, clearly there are countries and territories that are more vulnerable to the massive outbreak of Coronavirus, mainly underdeveloped countries or so-called “third world” countries, which do not have enough local resources to counteract the impact of the health crisis.

This is the case of most Central American countries, which are going through quite precarious circumstances because:

  • The health system is not strong enough to house, care for and protect large numbers of people infected with COVID-19.
  • There are not enough medical and protective supplies to offer to the local population.
  • The economy cannot withstand extensive quarantines or rising unemployment rates.
  • Due to the reduction of job opportunities, violence, insecurity and crime increase.

These adverse circumstances make Central American citizens decide to migrate to seek better opportunities, protec their families’ integrity, and build a dignified and promising future.

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The US is the destination of thousands of immigrants

Above any other country of the American continent, the US has qualities, alternatives, and opportunities that draw the attention of Central American immigrants.

For instance, the US is the country that allows the largest number of asylum seekers and refugees in the world. In fact, normally, hundreds of immigrants arrive at the borders daily to request international protection through these humanitarian programs due to violence and danger they constantly face in their countries.

However, the Trump administration has substantially restricted the entry of asylum seekers and refugees. Thus, the US is no longer the country that most protects vulnerable communities. Canada now occupies that place.

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What did the government do during the health crisis and what are the repercussions?

The current administration of the US decided to close the borders due to the arrival of the global pandemic, almost completely halting immigration for a considerable period of time.

However, after several months and taking into account the current situation and the economic crisis that Latin America is going through, immigration, especially illegal, is increasing disproportionately despite President Trump’s restrictions.

In fact, in one of our most recent articles, we mention that the number of immigrants detained at the borders while trying to cross them without legal documentation increased by 137% in July compared to April.

The next administration should handle the situation cautiously

The November presidential elections will define the fate of the US’ immigration system for the next few years, as well as the way in which the country will face the massive wave of immigrants from Central America, mainly from Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador.

Due to the impact of the health crisis in these territories, thousands of immigrants are undertaking a journey to the US, where they plan to apply for international protection and job opportunities. By this, we refer to both individuals and families with minors.

The next administration will have to face increase of immigrants at the borders with caution since the immigration sector is a very controversial issue among the local population.

Motion Law can help you with your immigration process

If you have any questions about an immigration issue or relating to a case you may have currently in progress, then please don’t hesitate to contact us for a FREE Phone Consultation with one of our expert immigration attorneys.

Simply call Motion Law today at: (202) 918-1799.