Presidential Elections Will Define Near Future of Immigration

The future of immigration in the hands of next administration

Immigration in the US

To address the issue of immigration in the US, one must understand the country’s historical, political, social, and cultural context regarding the inclusion of new cultures, talents, and ideals.

Currently, the US is one of the countries with the largest migratory flow in the world, with multiple options for foreigners to apply for a legal entry and residence permits. Its legal immigration system is quite broad, also complex, and has main pillars such as immigration based on family, employment, study, inter alia.

Adding to that, since it is a first world country and a world power, the US has the resources and the possibility to offer protection to the most vulnerable immigrant communities through political asylum, refuge and other humanitarian programs.

In short, the US has the potential to host thousands of immigrants annually, who, apart from building a better future in the North American territory, have also become a key element for the economy and social development.

If you plan to start an immigration journey in the US and want to know more options available to you, Contact Motion Law Immigration and follow the advice of trustworthy experts.

Presidential elections and the future of immigration

The country is going through a very peculiar moment in recent history, mainly because 2020 has been a year of crisis, chaos, social controversies, public disorder and political confrontations. Apart from that, the presidential elections will take place in November 2020 and the next leader of the nation will have to continue, not only in the battle against the Coronavirus, but also handling extremely sensitive issues such as immigration.

1. Donald Trump

Donald Trump, the current president of the US, belongs to the Republican political party, is seeking re-election, and has a fairly strict stance on immigration.

On the one hand, the Trump administration has markedly transformed the local immigration system, increasing requirements and restrictions on legal processes such as employment or family-based visas. On the other hand, it has also changed regulations and protocols to curb illegal immigration, increasing border security, building a border wall, expediting deportations, and carrying out massive operations to detain undocumented immigrants across the US.

The Trump administration argues that the massive flow of immigrants is detrimental to the country since it diminishes opportunities for the American population, represents a risk to social security, saturates the economic and health system and increases population density, which, in its opinion, diminishes the quality of life for local citizens.

Therefore, if Trump wins a second term, the immigration system will most likely face further changes and restrictions.

2. Joe Biden

Joe Biden, the former vice president of the US, belongs to the Democratic political party and has a more welcoming stance on immigration.

Biden proposes to remove many of Trump’s immigration policies, which he has cataloged as “xenophobic, arbitrary and inhumane”, and to implement options and alternatives so that immigrants can contribute to local socioeconomic development, as well as protect their lives from the imminent threat of their countries.

The Biden administration plans to reduce illegal immigration by increasing benefits and possibilities of legal immigration, which, in its opinion, would be quite beneficial for local economic growth and to overcome the current crisis.

What is our duty?

Our duty is to carefully analyze opinions and proposals of the two presidential candidates when it comes to the immigration sector.

Why should we do this? Because immigration has definitely played a pretty big role in the history of the US and local policies could change the course of the economy, for better or for worse.

Do you have a pending immigration case?

If you have any questions about an immigration issue or relating to a case you may have currently in progress, then please don’t hesitate to contact us for a FREE Phone Consultation with one of our expert immigration attorneys.

Simply call Motion Law today at: (202) 918-1799.