Washington Raises its Voice Against Immigration Limitations

American Immigration Council openly disagrees with immigration policies

Washington immigration council opposes current changes

The American Immigration Council, located in Washington, has openly expressed its disagreement with the immigration policies implemented during the global Coronavirus pandemic.

It is well known that the pandemic forced the government to implement many changes necessary to protect public health, but what the Council does not accept is the idea of banning immigration indefinitely in the US.

Immigration limitations could be catastrophic for millions of families currently residing in the country and who have, most likely, lived here for many years.

The panel from the Immigration Council presented its latest official statement on May 27, 2020 called “The Impact of COVID-19 Across the U.S. Immigration System”.

They present several relevant ideas about current changes in immigration.

The arguments presented by the Council

There are several main arguments that panelists presented, let’s look at some of them.

1. The current administration finally has an excuse for its purpose of limiting immigration

Panelists declare that Trump’s administration has always aimed to reduce immigration in the US, even if it is legal.

Therefore, they state that there are measures that protect local population and the health system, but that extending these measures indefinitely only demonstrates the government’s need to reduce immigration.

They argue that COVID-19 is the excuse that the current administration of the US is using to limit the entry of immigrants into the country.

In fact, the council’s policy director added to the statement: “The Trump administration has used the COVID-19 outbreak to pursue restrictive policy changes that it has sought to implement for many years”.

2. Deportation regulations are not being fully followed during the pandemic

In light of the arrival of the Coronavirus, the Immigration and Customs Enforcement Service (ICE) is trying to prevent immigration detention centers from overcrowding.

With Trump’s government support, ICE is deporting immigrants who reach the borders almost immediately.

Immigrants are normally deported to third world countries like Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, Mexico, inter alia.

Panelists from the American Immigration Council say deporting immigrants to more vulnerable countries only demonstrates that Trump’s administration is willing to do whatever it takes to limit immigration.

These Central American countries do not have enough local resources to mitigate the impact of the pandemic on their territories, and deportation flights from the US have already reported dozens of confirmed cases of COVID-19 among deported immigrants.

The Council openly declares that immigrants have the right to seek asylum or refuge in the country and it is the US’ duty to protect international human rights by offering protection to those who really need it.

In addition to that, they express their concern regarding the danger of deporting minors without the company of a responsible adult to more vulnerable territories.

If you need help with a Deportation Case, please click here.

3. The economic crisis to unleash without the presence of immigrants in the country

The economic recession the US is going through is devastating.

Official figures show that we are in a worse economic crisis than during the Great Recession, which took place between 2007 and 2009.

The panelists declare that reducing the number of specialized foreign workers is greatly impacting the local market.

The shortage of human resources will reduce the production rate and the North American families will feel the consequences of this decision.

The panelists assure that the foreign workforce is essential to overcome the current economic crisis and they can boost the economy, as they have done for decades.

Actually, the US benefits greatly from foreign workers who provide their services to local markets and supply the country’s food industry.

Therefore, experts from the Immigration Council declare that the government must closely review the long-term repercussions of the changes implemented in immigration policies.

The expectations of the council panelists

Panelists hope that this official statement will allow the government to analyze the current immigration policies, arguing that immigrants should have the same rights like any other legal citizen.

They also state that the government still has enough time to make the right decisions in order to overcome the current juncture as soon as possible.

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If you have any questions about an immigration issue or relating to a case you may have currently in progress, then please don’t hesitate to contact us for a FREE Phone Consultation with one of our expert immigration attorneys.

Simply call Motion Law today at: (202) 918-1799.