The most Recent Changes in Immigration Policies

General Overview in immigration changes in the US

The most notable changes in immigration policies during the pandemic

The massive outbreak of Coronavirus in the North American territory brought many changes in the immigration policies of the United States.

President Trump has implemented several stringent measures that have created much controversy among immigrant communities, immigrant rights advocates, critics specialized in immigration policies, senators, inter alia.

It is important to remark that one of the focuses of Donald Trump’s presidential campaign during the last elections was to reduce immigration in the US, both illegal and legal.

Thus, the pandemic has allowed many of the previously rejected policies to be implemented today due to the health crisis.

Let’s review some of the changes in the immigration policies of the US

Below we will discuss some of the most prominent changes in immigration policies during the global Coronavirus pandemic.

Suspension of Green Card applications

The Green Card allows immigrants to obtain legal permanent residence in the US.

When immigrants get a Green Card, they have the right to get all the social benefits like any other legal citizen.

Millions of immigrants apply for a Green Card and there is an annual limit on the amount that the US Citizenship and Immigration Service (USCIS) can issue.

During the pandemic, the current administration decided to suspend the issuance of Green Cards, at least temporarily. President Trump assures that this decision protects social benefits available for the local population.

This decision significantly delayed all USCIS processes, and immigrants must wait longer than normal now.

Reduce the number of foreign skilled workers

The Trump administration deems it necessary to reduce the number of visas for foreign workers during the health crisis and possibly afterwards as well.

The current administration presents several arguments for this decision:

  • Foreigners often use essential social benefits for legal citizens during the current situation.
  • The US must safeguard as many resources as possible to protect the local population.
  • Due to the current unemployment rate, the President believes that all available jobs should be for legal citizens.

However, despite the government’s intentions to reduce the number of foreign workers, the figures show that there is already an imbalance in the local market due to the lack of trained personnel for specialized jobs.

Foreigners play a critical role in the US food supply chain, and the local market is already feeling the shortage.

In addition to that, foreign workers constantly boost the economy and are essential to overcome the economic crisis caused by the pandemic.

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The suspension of asylum and refuge requests

Due to the pandemic, the US government decided to temporarily ban the entry of asylum and refuge seekers.

President Trump presents several arguments regarding this decision:

  • Prohibiting asylum and refuge prevents overcrowding in immigration detention centers around the country.
  • In this way, the employees of the Immigration and Customs Enforcement Service (ICE) have more protection and reduce the risk of getting COVID-19.
  • Asylum and refuge applicants have access to many social benefits that are essential to the local population during the pandemic.

This is a very controversial point as immigrants are normally deported to third-world countries and are at higher risk, living in temporary shelters in Mexico’s borders.

In addition to that, multiple critics around the country declare that it is the US’ duty, as a First World country, to protect the international human rights of the most vulnerable immigrants.

This measure will be active until June 22, 2020, complying with the government ideal of prohibiting the entry of asylum and refuge applicants for a total of 60 days.

Do you need help with an immigration case?

If you have any questions about an immigration issue or relating to a case you may have currently in progress, then please don’t hesitate to contact us for a FREE Phone Consultation with one of our expert immigration attorneys.

Simply call Motion Law today at: (202) 918-1799.