Study Shows Reduction in Immigration Due to Trump Policies and COVID-19

Substancial decrease in immigration during health crisis

Immigration policies and the Trump administration

The US immigration law is quite robust, complex, and extensive. Foreigners often have multiple options that may suit their specific immigration cases.

The alternatives vary between humanitarian programs such as political asylum, business immigration, family-based immigration, permanent residence or Green Card, student immigration, and many other options.

However, the last two administrations of the US have had almost diametrically opposite views when it comes to the immigration sector, leading to some prominent changes in the local immigration system.

On the one hand, former President Barack Obama had an inclusive vision with immigrants who followed guidelines established by local law, and those who decided to cross the borders without legal documentation. That is why during his term, multiple immigration programs and benefits allowed undocumented foreigners to obtain protection against deportation, employment authorization documents (EADs), legal residence permits, inter alia.

On the other hand, current President Donald Trump, who is seeking reelection in November 2020, has a strict stance when it comes primarily to illegal immigration. During his term, the Trump government has implemented more than 400 changes in the immigration sector, setting a new record. Nowadays, immigration processes tend to take longer than usual due to policies of the Trump administration, which increase restrictions and requirements for immigration applications.

Follow the advice of experts and organize your immigration application correctly. Contact Motion Law Immigration today!

Study reveals figures of reduction in immigration due to Trump policies and COVID-19

The sudden arrival of the global Coronavirus pandemic undoubtedly contributed to the Trump administration increasing restrictions on the local immigration sector.

In fact, the Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) recently conducted a study, exposing official figures of reduction in immigration over the past year.

The study is called “Trump Policies Joined with Covid-19 Have Reduced Migration Substantially” and makes comparisons between July 2019 and July 2020. Some of the main findings are:

  • The issuance of H-2A Visas for foreign agricultural workers decreased by 13.50% in July 2020.
    In July 2019, the US Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) issued 14,654 H-2A Visas, while in 2020 it only issued 12,681.
  • The issuance of immigrant visas around the world decreased by 88.80% during 2020. The USCIS issued 39,568 immigrant visas in 2019, while it issued only 4,412 in 2020.
  • The issuance of non-immigrant visas decreased 92.90% in 2020 as the USCIS issued 810,329 in 2019 and only 57,917 in 2020.

The study also analyzes data related to foreign student visas, investor/business visas, US citizen fiancé(e) visas, and permits issued at authorized ports of entry.

Therefore, we can see a substantial reduction in visa processes between 2019 and 2020.

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How can we use this information to our advantage?

When we are aware of changes implemented in the immigration sector during the health crisis, we know that the best alternative is to seek reliable help when submitting an immigration application. It is essential to follow the advice of experts who are up to date with current policies.

If you have any questions about an immigration issue or relating to a case you may have currently in progress, then please don’t hesitate to contact us for a FREE Phone Consultation with one of our expert immigration attorneys.

Simply call Motion Law today at: (202) 918-1799.