Poll: American Public Opinion on Biden and Immigration

Poll: Public opinion regarding Biden and illegal border crossings

Surge of Illegal Crossings – A Topic of National Interest

As it has been the case at different times in history, the US is currently experiencing a surge of illegal border crossings. It means that several federal entities have reported an increasing number of apprehensions at the borders, from unaccompanied immigrant minors, to entire families or single adults who repeatedly try to cross the borders without legal documentation.

In fact, the rise in irregular immigration has become national news in recent weeks and the attention of the American public is primarily focused on the arrival of thousands of unaccompanied immigrant minors.

Many blame the Biden administration for the increase in illegal border crossings, especially opposition groups and members of Congress who do not support its immigration ideals. They argue that President Biden’s stance on immigration is sending a mixed message to immigrant communities and incentivizing and increasing mass irregular migration to the US.

However, it is worth mentioning that a substantial increase in illegal crossings would always look like a “crisis” after an administration like Donald Trump’s, which implemented quite restrictive and strict policies that allowed the deportation of unaccompanied minors in in the midst of an unprecedented health crisis, something that is not happening under the Biden administration.

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Poll: Public opinion regarding Biden and illegal border crossings

President Biden took office a little more than two months ago and several surveys have been recently conducted to evaluate and reveal the opinion of the American public regarding his approach to different sectors and current situations such as the global Coronavirus pandemic and the immigration system, which is drawing the attention of the local population.

For instance, a recent poll conducted by ABC News and Ipsos reveals the views of American citizens regarding how the Biden administration is handling, among other things, the health crisis, the surge of illegal border crossings and the country’s economic recovery.

Speaking specifically about illegal crossings, the survey focused primarily on immigrant minors who arrive at the US borders unaccompanied, which is the most controversial issue among the local population.

It is important to mention that 517 adults (age 18 or older) responded to the survey between March 26 and 27, 2021.

Let’s look at some important findings:

  • Regarding the national vaccination project and the distribution of COVID-19 vaccines, 75% of respondents approve of the way in which the Biden administration is dealing with the health crisis, a fairly high figure compared to previous surveys.
  • Regarding the immigration sector, 57% of voters (among Republicans, Democrats and Independents) disapprove of the Biden administration’s response regarding the situation at the borders, essentially when it comes to unaccompanied immigrant minors.

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