Biden has No Regrets for Repealing Trump’s Immigration Policies

Biden won't apologize for removing Trump's strict immigration policies

Biden receives criticism for number of migrants reaching the US borders

Dozens of opposition groups and a part of the American population are blaming the Joe Biden administration for the substantial increase in illegal border crossings recently reported by CBP (Customs and Border Protection), which is one of the entities in charge of preventing any illegal activity, such as irregular immigration, at the US borders.

The reason why the current administration is embroiled in a gigantic controversy regarding the current border situation is because President Biden has always emphasized the need to reform the immigration system, expand alternatives for foreign communities and because border forces have apprehended a growing number of unaccompanied immigrant minors, which is also a matter of public concern.

However, it is important to clarify that there are other factors influencing the surge of illegal border crossings apart from Biden’s immigration ideals, which, in fact, are almost paused due to the current border situation.

Let’s look at some important facts:

  • The global Coronavirus pandemic almost completely suspended immigration around the world. Thus, for several months, border entities such as CBP detained a couple thousand foreigners at the borders, which makes it look like if the current number of apprehensions is quite high.
    The reality is that these are figures that we had already seen in the past, even under the Trump administration, which had a fairly strict stance on immigration.
  • Climate and economic conditions in Central American third world countries are also forcing thousands of people to migrate to the US after the relaxation of border restrictions related to the health crisis caused by the global Coronavirus pandemic.

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Biden won’t apologize for removing Trump’s strict immigration policies

Improving the immigration system has been a priority since President Biden took office. Therefore, his administration has already removed several restrictive policies implemented by the previous administration, which substantially hindered all kinds of immigration processes.

As a result, using the current border situation as support, several opposition groups and members of Congress, mostly Republicans, are pressuring President Biden to retake certain border practices of his predecessor Donald Trump and reuse or reintroduce restrictive policies on the immigration system.

However, during a press conference that took place on Thursday, March 25, 2021, President Biden defended his administration’s prompt action on local immigration policies and the surge of illegal border crossings, especially when it comes to unaccompanied immigrant children.

Adding to that, responding to a question about whether his decision to revoke certain immigration policies was too hasty, President Biden openly stated, “I make no apologies for ending programs that did not exist before Trump became President that have an incredibly negative impact on the law, international law, as well as on human dignity. And so, I make no apologies for that.”

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