Immigrant Apprehensions Increase at the US Borders

Illegal immigration increased during the first months of fiscal year 2021

The pandemic reduced immigration to the US

One of the sectors most affected by the health crisis around the world is immigration. This is mainly because most countries decided to close the borders indefinitely to prevent the export and import of the Coronavirus. Adding to that, the World Health Organization (WHO) recommended social distancing as a preventive measure to avoid the massive spread of the virus. Thus, most countries also used quarantine as a strategy to mitigate the impact of the pandemic. This also decreased immigration.

Speaking specifically about the North American territory, the US is the destination of thousands of immigrants annually, who yearn to build a promising future through humanitarian programs, family immigration options, employment opportunities, inter alia.

However, apart from the fact that the US has been the main epicenter of the pandemic for more than 9 months, the current administration, headed by President Donald Trump, has always wanted to reduce immigration and the health crisis undoubtedly contributed to its ability to restrict the entry of foreigners in the country.

Thus, during fiscal year 2020 (October-September) immigration decreased considerably in the US, setting a record.

Let’s see some official figures:

  • According to an investigation conducted in October 2020 (first month of fiscal year 2021) by the CATO Institute, legal immigration decreased by 91.9% during the second period of fiscal year 2020 (April-September). This decline included all types of immigration processes, from options based on family ties, to applications for political asylum and employment-based visas, except those related to the US food supply chain.
  • According to ICE’s (Immigration and Customs Enforcement) annual report, deportations decreased by 30.45% during fiscal year 2020 compared to fiscal year 2019. It is important to clarify that the Trump administration allowed border forces to deport undocumented immigrants in a matter of hours on grounds of health emergency (also known as “expedited removals”), and even so, the number of deportations dropped considerably.
    Adding to that, the number of undocumented immigrants arrested also decreased by 27.6% compared to fiscal year 2019.

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Illegal immigration increased during the first months of fiscal year 2021

Despite the fact that the Trump administration was able to curb immigration and increase express deportations thanks to the health crisis, several natural disasters and economic conditions in Central America are disproportionately increasing illegal immigration to the US.

According to official CBP (Customs and Border Protection) figures, the number of undocumented immigrants detained at the borders, while trying to cross them without prior authorization, increased substantially during the first three months of fiscal year 2021.

Let’s see some examples:

  • In December 2020 (third month of fiscal year 2021), border forces arrested 73,513 undocumented immigrants, which represents an increase of 81.22% compared to last year and 20.92% compared to 2019, when the Coronavirus pandemic was not present.
  • In November 2020 (second month of fiscal year 2021), border forces arrested 71,462 undocumented immigrants, which represents an increase of 67.58% compared to last year and 14.4% compared to 2019, when the Coronavirus pandemic was not present.

Taking these figures into account, it is predictable that immigration will increase even more during the next six months, not only because of current conditions of Central American countries, but because the incoming government, with President-elect Joe Biden leading, has a welcoming stance on immigration and is a door of hope for thousands of people.

Do you need help with an immigration case?

If you have any questions about an immigration issue or relating to a case you may have currently in progress, then please don’t hesitate to contact us for a FREE Phone Consultation with one of our expert immigration attorneys.

Simply call Motion Law today at: (202) 918-1799.