Extensive Investigation: Legalization for Undocumented Immigrants

Study: Local citizens support legalization for undocumented foreigners

Comprehensive immigration reform may be near

There are currently more than 10.2 million immigrants residing in the US undocumented. These communities are constantly expanding across the country, are part of all sorts of sectors, contribute in multiple ways to American society, and, above all, play an essential role in national economic behavior.

The last time Congress passed comprehensive immigration reform to legalize undocumented immigrants was in the 1980s. Therefore, for the past few decades, there has been a gigantic debate over whether Congress should pass new legislation to provide a path to legal residency for foreigners living in the country undocumented, which includes individuals who crossed the borders without prior authorization and those who remained in the country after their legal permits expired.

The controversy around this issue is now more present than ever. This is because, after four years in which the Trump administration tried to restrict immigration at all costs (2017-2021), the US has a new administration (Biden-Harris) that plans to promote comprehensive immigration reform through a rather ambitious bill, legalize millions of undocumented immigrants and restructure the entire immigration system.

Adding to that, with Biden’s arrival to the White House, several members of Congress, whether from the US House of Representatives or the Senate, have also introduced or reintroduced multiple immigration bills that promote legalization for millions of undocumented immigrants.

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Study: Local citizens support legalization for undocumented foreigners

Since the path to legalization for undocumented immigrants has been a topic of national debate in recent months, a large number of polls/surveys have been conducted across the country, the vast majority of which reveal that the American public is increasingly supporting the idea of ​​legalizing undocumented foreigners.

It is worth mentioning that it is not just about undocumented immigrants, but what they represent to American society and their impact on the local market. For instance, an investigation conducted by FWD.US reveals that most recent polls should be enough evidence for Congress to pass legalization for millions of undocumented immigrants, especially since their economic contribution is extremely important to the US and, above all, so that the country can overcome the crisis brought on by the global Coronavirus pandemic.

FWD.US states that, due to their immigration status, a large percentage of undocumented foreigners live on minimum wage. Therefore, there are multiple alternatives to legalize either a part of undocumented immigrants or all, which would allow them to get out of the poverty line, pay annual taxes and boost the economy through legitimate processes. According to the research, more than 5 million undocumented immigrants work in essential sectors for the local market and, therefore, offering them legal documentation would be the best strategy to strengthen the national economy.

As one of the main conclusions, FWD.UD openly states that “Congress must stop wasting time and needs to act and pass a pathway to citizenship. Families with undocumented members need certainty to live in freedom and safety, achieve financial stability, and maximize their economic potential. America’s full post-pandemic recovery depends on it”.

Contact us and start your immigration journey today!

If you, a family member, or a friend need help with an immigration case, please contact Motion Law today to schedule a FREE Consultation with one of our expert immigration attorneys. Our team will be happy to guide you through your immigration journey in the US.

Please contact Motion Law Immigration today at: (202) 918-1799.