Expert Comments on the Need to Attract Talent from Abroad

Expert comments on the contribution of foreigners in emerging technologies

The argument behind restricting employment-based visas

There is a part of the American population that strongly believes that immigration is a burden on the economic system and a detrimental factor for the progress and development of the nation. Adding to that, the previous administration, led by former President Donald Trump, strengthened these ideas through a fairly compelling but rarely verifiable narrative.

According to the Trump administration, business immigration affects American workers because, in its opinion, local companies tend to pay lower wages to foreign workers, increasing the unemployment rate and worsening the economic crisis brought by the global Coronavirus pandemic. Therefore, between 2017 and 2021, we were able to witness how far an administration can go when it has the firm intention of restricting immigration by all means possible.

However, we also have seen throughout history that the lack of information and reliable sources can lead to adopting extremist ideals without really understanding the impact of business immigration, especially on the economy and areas such as science and technology. We assert this mainly because one of the primary requirements in almost all employment-based visas, if not all, is that local employers must demonstrate that there are no trained or available American workers before they can hire foreign employees.

In fact, several industries have reported a rather alarming skilled workforce shortage amid the health crisis, when the Trump administration suspended the issuance of employment visas.

Expert comments on the contribution of foreigners in emerging technologies

A report recently published by Day One Project comments on the real impact of foreign students and workers on sectors important to the US’ international competitiveness such as science and, in particular, emerging technologies.

The report’s author, George Hovey, who worked in the US Foreign Service and focuses on evidence-based policies, states that attracting talent from abroad strengthens the economy and is an essential piece of the nation’s competitiveness in a increasingly interconnected world.

Let’s look at some important arguments:

Self-sabotage in the US

Hovey states that the US is imposing barriers and obstacles on its own immigration system, which hinder certain processes available to international students and qualified foreign workers. In his opinion, this is a detrimental and unnecessary practice.

Route foreigners to competitor nations

By hindering processes for these exceptional foreigners, the US is simply routing and sending extremely qualified and brilliant workers to competitor countries such as China or Canada, which will undoubtedly affect the economy in the medium and long term if the country does not act as soon as possible and promote integration and knowledge programs so that the local population understands the importance of including new minds in our culture.

How could the Biden-Harris administration improve the situation?

The author states that this is an opportunity for the Biden-Harris administration, which has led the White House for just over four months, to act “to attract and retain foreign science and technology talent through a focused overhaul of U.S. immigration laws and procedures. Specifically, the Administration should draw top talent to the United States by streamlining the visa process and providing greater flexibility for foreign scholars and workers”.

Follow the advice of experts and reliable sources!

Misconceptions are rife among society, especially when it comes to such a contentious sector as immigration and its impact on the nation’s economic behavior. However, it is important to know reliable sources and learn from different opinions to draw correct and assertive conclusions, which are not just a personal conjecture or political opinion and, above all, that are verifiable.

Adding to that, take the advice of experts during your immigration journey in the US. If you have any questions about an immigration issue or relating to a case you may have currently in progress, then please don’t hesitate to contact us for a FREE Phone Consultation with one of our expert immigration attorneys.

Simply call Motion Law today at: (202) 918-1799.