Border Forces Detain Over 2,000 Undocumented Immigrants

New ICE operations lead to the detention of more than 2000 immigrants

The current authority of border forces

With President Donald Trump leading the US, hundreds of changes have been implemented in the immigration sector and some established processes have been substantially modified as well.

These changes are intended to reduce the number of immigrants entering the country annually, both legally and illegally. President Trump has referred to immigration with a negative connotation multiple times in recent years.

One of the main strategies of the Trump administration to reduce immigration, especially illegal, is to expand border forces and their functions. This is the case of the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agency, which is one of the branches of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and which has grown exponentially during the term of President Trump.

One of ICE’s tasks is to conduct thorough investigations that lead to the detention of undocumented immigrants. ICE does not have the right to detain people on suspicion of undocumentation, but must have the certainty and evidence to detain people who crossed the borders of the US without prior authorization.

Normally, ICE operations are massive, which means that they capture dozens, hundreds or even thousands of undocumented immigrants at the same time.

In fact, ICE recently detained more than 60 undocumented immigrants in Colorado and Wyoming and another 125 in Texas. (To read more about this news, please click here).

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ICE detains more than 2,000 undocumented immigrants

ICE recently declared its “success” in a series of raids that took place in California, Texas, Florida, Arizona and Virginia.

The federal entity declared that more than 2000 undocumented immigrants were detained and that the operations were absolutely necessary since these foreigners have a history of participation in different crimes.

Therefore, ICE ensures that these operations protect the local population and prevent the percentage of crime from increasing due to illegal immigration.

If you need to request your legal documentation in the US, do not hesitate to contact Motion Law and follow the advice of our team of experts.

Are these operations really beneficial to American society?

Clearly, border forces and federal entities typically support the current administration of the US and ensure that immigrant detention operations are truly beneficial to:

  • The economic system.
  • Social security.
  • The immigration sector.

However, on the other hand, hundreds of immigrant rights advocates and activist organizations declare that these operations are only part of the “anti-immigration agenda” of President Trump, who constantly links illegal immigration with crime, a theory that has been contradicted on multiple occasions by the results of recent studies.

Therefore, it is imperative for the American society to fully analyze the repercussions of these operations and take an objective stance when it comes to the immigration sector of the US.

Legal immigration is the right path

It is not pleasant to be constantly concerned about a possible arrest by the US border forces.

Therefore, it is better to choose the right path and start your immigration journey in the US legally and following established protocols.

If you have any questions about an immigration issue or relating to a case you may have currently in progress, then please don’t hesitate to contact us for a FREE Phone Consultation with one of our expert immigration attorneys.

Simply call Motion Law today at: (202) 918-1799.