Biden Has Upheld Several of Trump’s Immigration Policies

The prolongation of immigration policies formulated in the Trump administration

Biden’s political challenge for the midterm elections

With falling popularity during his first year in office, Biden faces a major challenge in convincing the voting public to continue to support his administration, which has also affected the Democratic party.

Do you need help with an immigration case of any kind? Motion Law Immigration’s team can help you, whether you need to start a process from scratch or complete a pending case, contact us today and schedule a FREE Consultation!

The prolongation of immigration policies formulated in the Trump administration

Undoubtedly, most voters who contributed to Joe Biden’s election as president had high hopes because his administration promised to eradicate the hard-line immigration policies implemented by former President Trump.

However, after a year in office, the Trump administration’s most controversial policies related to the immigration system remain in place.

If you are looking for professional guidance for an immigration case of any kind, you have found the perfect team for you! Contact Motion Law Immigration, schedule a FREE Consultation and take advice from our experienced attorneys.

Reinstatement of the MPP policy

One of Biden’s actions that has raised the most criticism and controversy is the extension of the policy called MPP (Migrant Protection Protocols).

The MPP is a rule implemented during the Trump administration, which states that asylum seekers cannot receive any benefits within the US while their applications are being processed.

This policy, also known as “Remain in Mexico”, forces asylum seekers to wait in Mexican territory until they have a court date.

Biden promised to repeal this measure, which is why he took two legal actions to rescind it. However, so far, his attempts have been unsuccessful and the MPP policy is still active.

Our team of experts can guide you through your immigration journey in the US, regardless of what your particular case may be. Do not hesitate to Contact Motion Law Immigration today and ask for your FREE Consultation with our experienced attorneys!

Pro-immigration groups reject the decision

The decision to maintain and expand the MPP has caused strong disapproval from activist groups and immigrant right advocates, who believe that this measure violates human rights.

Starting and completing an immigration process is simpler and easier if you follow the advice of professionals. Contact Motion Law Immigration, schedule a FREE Consultation and follow the advice of our experienced attorneys!

Disapproval of his government team

Biden’s handling of immigration has also caused discomfort within his caucus. In fact, eight administration officials have already decided to leave the Biden administration, citing dissatisfaction with his immigration decisions.

Despite these obstacles, other Democratic leaders are hopeful that the current administration will be able to organize its policy agenda and meet the expectations of transforming the immigration system.

The success of your immigration process might be just a phone call away. Feel free to Contact Motion Law Immigration and ask for your FREE consultation with our expert attorneys, who have vast experience when it comes to all kinds of immigration processes and have surely helped many people in the same situation as you.

Contact Motion Law and start your process with our experienced attorneys!

We understand that starting an immigration process requires constant dedication and expert help. Our team is highly qualified to guide you through your immigration journey in the US, so please don’t hesitate to contact us for a FREE Phone Consultation with one of our expert immigration attorneys.

Simply call Motion Law today at: (202) 918-1799.