American Oversight Files Lawsuit Requesting Information from Border Forces

Trump's administration must face another lawsuit regarding border forces

The Trump administration must face another lawsuit

The current administration of the US, headed by President Donald Trump, has an almost unmovable opinion regarding immigration.

For instance, the president assures that massive legal immigration affects the country and reduces the public benefits offered to the local population, just as illegal immigration destabilizes the local economy.

Therefore, during his term (which began in 2017), the Trump administration has considerably modified some of the immigration processes and the requirements have increased substantially.

In addition to that, the global Coronavirus pandemic changed the entire perspective of immigration in the US, and border forces are currently implementing emergency measures that sometimes do not comply with the laws of the country.

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The global pandemic and border forces

Multiple investigations have recently been conducted at immigration detention centers across the US.

In fact, in one of our most recent articles, we talk about an investigation that shows that the Customs and Border Protection (CBP) needs to strengthen health protocols to protect the lives of detained immigrants.

In addition to that, several studies show that border forces:

  • Are not fully following the mandatory hygiene and care protocols during the health crisis.
  • Do not have enough medical personnel to help detained immigrants in the event of a health emergency.
  • Allow immigration detention centers to become overcrowded and that increases the risk of a massive outbreak of Coronavirus.
  • Some entities assure that the official numbers of people infected with Coronavirus and the number of deaths within these centers are not accurate.

Because of this, several lawsuits have been filed in the past few months. The most recent one refers to the number of deaths inside the facilities of immigration detention centers.

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American Oversight requests the actual figures from Border Forces

American Oversight is a non-profit organization that constantly investigates the protocols and processes of the current administration of the US.

This organization recently filed a lawsuit stating that border forces are not showing the right figures regarding the number of people who have passed away under their custody.

The entities involved in the lawsuit are:

  1. The US Department of Homeland Security (DHS).
  2. Customs and Border Protection (CBP).
  3. The US Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).

The lawsuit ensures that the figures presented by these entities regarding deceased people, not only during the health crisis but also before the massive outbreak of Coronavirus, are not accurate.

Therefore, American Oversight asks border forces to release the correct information about deceased immigrants inside detention centers. In this way, more security protocols can be implemented, and the lives of immigrant communities can be protected.

Avoid precarious situations

Immigration policies of the US have changed substantially in recent months. Now, with the health crisis caused by the COVID-19, some processes have been modified.

Therefore, it is better for you to have the guidance of specialists to avoid precarious situations during your immigration journey.

If you have any questions about an immigration issue or relating to a case you may have currently in progress, then please don’t hesitate to contact us for a FREE Phone Consultation with one of our expert immigration attorneys.

Simply call Motion Law today at: (202) 918-1799.