Ukrainians Find Easy Routes at Borders

Hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians processed at borders

Hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians processed at borders

According to figures first officially reported by CBS, immigration officials have processed 9,926 Ukrainians at the borders in the past two months.

This figure tallies cases processed by CBP (Customs and Border Protection) between February 1 and April 6 at authorized ports of entry.

Now is the right time to start your immigration journey, but with the help of professionals. Contact Motion Law Immigration and ask for your FREE Consultation with our experienced attorneys who, through years of experience, have assisted many people with all kinds of immigration processes.

The US is committed to contributing

The Biden administration and the country in general has been very generous and welcoming when it comes to families displaced by the Russia-Ukraine war.

In fact, the country opened its doors for immigration agencies to accept as many Ukrainian refugees in the shortest amount of time possible, offering a helping hand to those who need it most.

Do you need to apply for your legal documentation in the US or start an immigration process from scratch? Contact Motion Law Immigration and ask for your FREE Consultation with our experienced attorneys!

The difference with other communities

What has happened to communities coming from Ukraine has really taken many immigrant rights advocates and humanitarian organizations by surprise, specially because the last two administrations had shirked the responsibility to equitably support other populations due to an alleged lack of resources.

To be more specific, there are many immigrant communities, especially from Central and South America, who do not always find the same opportunities as refugees from Eastern Europe.

At this point it is worth explaining that one of the reasons the US is fervently assisting Ukrainian refugees is because there is a commitment to follow regular protocols, i.e., that the vast majority do not attempt to cross borders irregularly.

Need help with an immigration case of any kind in the US? Then do not hesitate to Contact Motion Law Immigration, schedule a FREE Consultation and follow the advice of our experienced attorneys. Our team can help you regardless of whether you plan to start your immigration journey from scratch or if you need to complete a pending process already inside the country.

What is the best way to avoid unnecessary challenges?

The best alternative to avoid those uncomfortable and unnecessary hurdles that may arise during your immigration process is undoubtedly to follow the advice of professionals in the field.

Our team has vast experience when it comes to all kinds of immigration processes. Therefore, if you are about to start your immigration journey in the US or need help with a pending process, do not hesitate to Contact Motion Law Immigration, schedule a FREE Consultation and follow the advice of our experienced attorneys.

Look no further, you have found what you need!

It is no secret that starting an immigration process in the US is not always the easiest task. However, our team of experts really simplifies the process for you and can provide constant accompaniment during your immigration journey. Please don’t hesitate to contact us for a FREE Phone Consultation with one of our expert immigration attorneys.

Simply call Motion Law today at: (202) 918-1799.