Title 42 No Longer Applies to Eligible Immigrant Families

At-Risk Immigrant Families No Longer Covered by Title 42

At-Risk Immigrant Families No Longer Covered by Title 42

A change in the conditions of Title 42 gives immigrant families at potential risk of persecution or torture the ability to apply for political asylum without being returned on grounds of health emergency.

Need help with an immigration case of any kind? Having a successful process could be just a phone call away – Contact Motion Law Immigration, schedule a FREE Consultation and take the advice of our experienced attorneys!

The Title 42 strategy

Title 42 is a public health rule activated in 2020 that seeks to mitigate the effects of the spread of COVID-19.

Included in the provisions of this rule is the immediate removal of undocumented immigrants arriving at the US borders in order to curb mass contagion.

Seeking reliable expert assistance when initiating immigration proceedings of any kind is undoubtedly the most appropriate decision to protect your future in the US. Do not hesitate to Contact Motion Law Immigration and ask for your FREE Consultation with our experienced attorneys.

Criticism of implementation

Many immigration advocates are concerned that Title 42 remains active because it puts the lives of hundreds of immigrants and asylum seekers at risk.

In fact, people who regularly seek political asylum are fleeing threats or conditions of violence, and by remaining outside the US, the danger increases.

That is why they have asked the Biden administration on several and reiterative occasions for the immediate suspension of Title 42.

Your future in the US depends heavily on the response you receive to your immigration application. Therefore, it is imperative to follow the advice of experts. Contact Motion Law Immigration, schedule a FREE Consultation and follow the advice of our experienced attorneys!

CDC’s deliberation to proceed with Title 42

The Biden Administration delegated the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to determine the ideal time to suspend the measure.

In its most recent evaluation, CDC determined that Title 42 should remain active, generating great controversy among immigration advocacy groups.

If you need help with an immigration process of any kind, feel free to Contact Motion Law Immigration and ask for your FREE Consultation with our experienced attorneys, who have an in-depth knowledge of the local immigration system and are sure to know which option best suits your current immigration needs.

Changing restrictions for immigrant families

Although Title 42 remains in effect, the implementation rules have changed for immigrant families who are at risk of persecution or torture upon return to their home countries.

As ruled by the Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit, families who are able to demonstrate to the judges the risk they face outside the US will be able to apply for political asylum.

It should be noted that if the judges consider that the families do not meet the criteria, they may deny them entry into the country.

This is the right time to start your immigration journey in the US. Contact Motion Law Immigration as soon as possible and ask for your FREE Consultation with our experienced attorneys!

If you are looking for professional guidance for an immigration case of any kind, you have found the perfect team for you!

If you, a family member, or a friend need help with an immigration case, then feel free to contact Motion Law Immigration today and schedule a FREE Consultation with one of our expert immigration attorneys. Our team will be happy to guide you through your immigration journey in the US.

Please contact Motion Law Immigration today at: (202) 918-1799.