The Biden Administration Increases Number of Seasonal Work Visas

Biden increases number of seasonal work visas for summer 2021

Seasonal work visas

It is well known that the US is the destination of thousands of foreigners annually, not only migrants and people who want to build a future in the country, but also those who make tourism or investment trips, or come to temporarily visit their beloved ones. Therefore, there are certain seasons in which the country has more tourist services than usual, such as the summer season.

It is no secret that international travel was almost completely suspended during 2020 due to the massive outbreak of Coronavirus across the world. However, now that humanity is learning to relate to its environment differently and the vaccination project is underway in many countries, border restrictions are gradually being lifted and the summer season is expected to have a substantial increase in tourist travel, which could boost the US economy in times of crisis so long as local businesses have enough skilled workforce to keep up with market demands.

To meet clients’ needs, hundreds of local businesses rely heavily on foreign workforce through temporary visa programs such as the H-2B visa or the J-1 visa. This is because, in many cases, there are not enough American workers available or qualified for certain jobs in high seasons such as the summer and, therefore, local companies must use immigration services to hire workers from abroad.

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Biden increases number of seasonal work visas for summer 2021

Biden’s DHS (Department of Homeland Security) announced Tuesday, April 20, that it will allow the issuance of an additional 22,000 seasonal H-2B work visas. This amount will add to the annual limit of 66,000 H-2B visas.

It is important to clarify that, according to the USCIS (US Citizenship and Immigration Services), the H-2B visa allows American employers, who meet certain eligibility requirements, to hire personnel from abroad, so long as they are non-agricultural workers and hold a seasonal position.

Some of the H-2B visa related jobs during the summer season are:

  • Tourist centres.
  • Tourist fairs.
  • Fisheries.
  • Works related to seaports or aquatic services.
  • Landscapers.
  • Sellers.
  • Lifeguards or first aid professionals.
  • Tour guides.
  • Gardeners.
  • Language teachers.
  • Sport centers.

Due to the current backlog of immigration cases in the US, several local businesses had raised concerns regarding the summer season, increased tourism, and shortages of skilled workforce.

Therefore, the Biden administration’s decision to increase the number of seasonal work visas for this year will undoubtedly allow these businesses to meet local needs and keep the economy afloat in times of global crisis.

Are you looking for reliable help for your immigration case?

Starting an immigration process in the US or completing a pending application requires time and constant dedication. Therefore, to follow legal guidelines correctly and avoid a possible rejection of your application, it is important to have the constant accompaniment of experts in immigration matters, who are up to date with current policies and can guide you towards the success of your application as soon as possible.

If you, a family member, or a friend need help with an immigration case, please contact Motion Law today to schedule a FREE Consultation with one of our expert immigration attorneys. Our team will be happy to guide you through your immigration journey in the US.

Please contact Motion Law Immigration today at: (202) 918-1799.