Protests around the US Due to Immigration Policies

Protest around the country on the 4th of July due to immigration processes

Independence Day defended immigrants

The 4th of July is a commemorative date for the US as citizens celebrate the country’s independence from the British Empire. This declaration of independence was signed in 1776 and divides the history of the country, creating a free nation known for protecting human rights.

This year, the Fourth of July was different due to the arrival of the Coronavirus pandemic in the world. Normally, on that date, there are celebrations, parades and people share with their families.

One of the biggest impacts during this year was the protests that took place around the country on the 4th of July. They demand a reform in immigration policies implemented by Trump’s government during the last 3 years.

The current administration of the US has an immovable point of view regarding the impact of immigration in the country. The President constantly mentions that legal immigration is positive as long as it is not massive and that illegal immigration must be eradicated at all costs.

Therefore, some of the recent changes in immigration policies have modified the processes considerably, implementing more restrictions, lengthening applications and increasing the eligibility requirements to legally enter and reside in the US.

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Activists took the streets to protest

During 2020 Independence Day, due to abrupt and sudden changes in immigration processes, dozens of immigrant rights advocates, activists and immigrant communities took the streets to fight for the human rights of vulnerable people who need protection during these times of crisis.

In fact, the reason why the protests took place on July 4 is to remind the government about the meaning of this memorable date and how the native values of a country known for respecting and protecting international human rights, are being forgotten.

California raises its voice

The State of California decided to start the protests on July 3, 2020, in San Diego. Dozens of activists created banners and posters with messages against the conditions in Immigration Detention Centers around the country.

The Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) is the entity in charge of supervising these centers, which are currently overcrowded and report dozens of detained immigrants infected with the nouvelle Coronavirus.

In addition to the street protests, multiple artists filled the San Diego skies with messages, asking for a positive change in detention centers across the country and in the way the government handles immigration nowadays.

Illinois raises its voice

There were also protests on the streets of Illinois on Saturday, July 4, 2020. Immigrant communities and activists are asking the local government for help to be able to apply for Green Cards.

The Green Card is the permanent legal residence that immigrants can obtain if they meet certain mandatory requirements. Currently, Green Card applications are not available until the end of the year. This presidential proclamation has been in force since June, 2020.

Therefore, activists are asking the local government for an opportunity to obtain a Green Card through employment visas.

The Illinois government has yet to respond to this petition. It is only a matter of time until Senator Richard Durbin gives an official response.

Seek reliable help for your Immigration Case

In light of recent changes in immigration policies, the support of a specialist is imperative to avoid possible rejection of your application to enter or reside in the US.

If you have any questions about an immigration issue or relating to a case you may have currently in progress, then please don’t hesitate to contact us for a FREE Phone Consultation with one of our expert immigration attorneys.

Simply call Motion Law today at: (202) 918-1799.