President Biden Sends Senior Members to the Borders

Biden sends senior members to supervise the situation at the borders

Number of immigrants detained by border forces increases

CBP (Customs and Border Protection) is one of the federal entities in charge of protecting the borders and preventing illicit activities such as irregular immigration, drug trafficking or human trafficking. According to official figures released by CBP, the number of apprehensions at the US borders has risen sharply in recent weeks.

This includes not only undocumented adults, but also immigrant minors who cross the borders unaccompanied. As expected, this situation at the borders represents a gigantic challenge for the Biden administration, which plans to implement more flexible and humane immigration policies, and prevent the deportation of unaccompanied minors in the midst of a health crisis since they are often victims of precarious situations such as abuse and kidnapping.

In fact, so far in Fiscal Year 2021 (FY – October/September), the number of undocumented migrants detained by CBP already exceeds the number recorded throughout FY 2020 and FY 2018, although the global Coronavirus pandemic contributed to the decrease in irregular immigration during 2020.

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Biden’s government assures that the situation at the borders is a challenge, but not a crisis

Regarding whether there is a crisis at the US borders or not, the DHS (Department of Homeland Security) Secretary recently stated that there is no crisis at the borders, but rather there is a “challenge,” which must be handled cautiously and assertively.

However, the Biden administration has been criticized for denying that the country is experiencing a border crisis due to a surge of migrants entering the US without prior authorization and the number of apprehensions reported by CBP.

Several opposition groups claim that illegal immigration is increasing disproportionately due to Biden’s policies, which, in their view, invite immigrant communities to cross the US borders without legal documentation. However, it is also worth taking into account other factors such as conditions in Central American countries, which force thousands of people to migrate.

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Biden sends senior members to supervise the situation at the borders

According to a recent CNN report, Biden sent several senior members to the US borders to supervise protocols implemented by border forces and find tools to control the current situation, especially when it comes to unaccompanied immigrant minors.

President Biden wants to avoid a humanitarian crisis at the borders at all costs and reform the entire immigration system, but the increase in illegal crossings could be a daunting challenge for his administration.

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