Is Deportation the Right Solution for Illegal Immigration?

Is Deportation the Right Solution for Illegal Immigration?
For many years, people living illegally in the US constantly fear being deported. They choose to hide or stay quiet, which delays the process to legalize their situation. The reality is that many people are being deported due to the current policies and requirements of immigration laws that have raised repressive and even cruel measurements.
How to Prevent Illegal Immigration, thus, also Deportation?
African, Asian or Latin American countries have serious developmental problems that lead them to migrate from their lands, in most cases because first world countries continue using them as mines of resources and cheap labor.
The most logical solution to prevent illegal immigration would be improving the life quality of the countries where they come from, so they do not have to flee to the United States looking for new opportunities.
On the other hand, ensuring that the United States of America provides them with fair opportunities and fair immigration processes where they can apply with confidence to be eligible for permanent residence will deter them from immigrating illegally. A substantial set of data suggests that providing legal migration routes reduces irregular immigration. Even when the demand exceeds the number of visas available, opening opportunities to work legally abroad or for family reunification can persuade many potential migrants to wait until they obtain a visa instead of migrating illegally.
Immigration Policy should be reconsidered regarding Asylum
On July 15 of 2019, the United States government stated a measure to prevent irregular migration flows by restricting asylum eligibility, issuing a regulation that requires migrants to seek asylum in their first transit country. This request must be rejected before being able to apply for asylum in the United States. The norm was denounced by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) as an action that would endanger vulnerable people and complicate the coordination of regional policy, facing legal challenges in the United States.
The school “Colegio de México” and Migration Policy Institute (MPI) on Mexico-United States migration convened a study whose results will be published soon where they propose a different and more effective approach that could be carried out immediately. Regarding asylum, they propose: “Reform how asylum applications are awarded in both countries, Mexico and the United States, and ensure a fair and faster process – in months instead of years. In the United States, this could be done by giving asylum officials the power to make final decisions about asylum, in addition to conducting credible fear investigations, as a recent MPI report suggested. This reform, which can be done with a change of rules and not legislation, would be much fairer for those with legitimate asylum applications, giving their cases a timely decision, and would create a deterrent for those with weak or nonexistent protection requests. , since they could be quickly deported to their countries of origin”.
Does Deportation of Illegal Immigrants benefit the United States?
All controls, restrictions and persecution measures won’t be important for someone who is already in the US and wants to continue there, because in most cases, it’s not a choice for immigrants to leave their homeland, it’s an obligation. They all had powerful reasons to save their lives or simply seek a better future.
Illegal immigrants constantly have fear of deportation that will keep them in the shadows, hiding. This is not recommended for the National Security of the United States, which struggles to have control and identification of its inhabitants. It is not advisable for the security of a country to have a number of people in illegality without even being able to calculate the exact number and in some cases with criminal records.
If you have any questions about an immigration issue or relating to a case you may have currently in Progress, then please don’t hesitate to contact us for a FREE Consultation with one of our expert immigration attorneys. Alternatively, simply call Motion Law today at: (202) 918-1799