Illegal Immigration only Leads to Deportation amid Pandemic

Avoid ilegal immigration, instead, get the proper guidance

Immigration policies during the global pandemic

It is well known that since the arrival of the Coronavirus in the US, President Trump implemented different changes in immigration policies to mitigate the impact of the pandemic.

In the opinion of the current administration, these modifications protect the local population and prevent saturation of the health system.

Let’s look at some of the changes in immigration policies:

  • No one can temporarily apply for a Green Card.
  • Immigrants are not currently allowed to enter the US.
  • No immigrant can apply for asylum or refuge temporarily.
  • Deportations are expedited when an immigrant reaches the borders or attempts to cross them illegally.
  • In-person appointments from the US Citizenship and Immigration Service (USCIS) are suspended until the beginning of June, 2020, at least.

Trump administration argues that these measures protect public health for multiple reasons:

  • With the closure of the USCIS offices, the government aims to prevent a massive spread of the virus among immigrants, attorneys, judges, and other employees working in face-to-face immigration services.
  • The government approved speeding up deportations during the pandemic to prevent more people from entering immigration detention centers around the country, which are already overcrowded.
    In this way, the current administration of the US wants to protect detained immigrants and employees from the Immigration and Customs Enforcement Service (ICE).
    In addition to that, according to the official reports, there are already hundreds of detainees infected with COVID-19, increasing the threat of a massive spread within ICE facilities.

Deportation is the most controversial topic among current immigration

Despite the government’s apparent intentions to protect the local population, the health system, and doctors / nurses, thousands of critics around the country have raised their voices against express deportations.

In fact, entire communities of immigrant rights advocates criticize this measure arguing that:

  • The US government is “deporting” the Coronavirus to third world and more vulnerable territories such as Guatemala, Mexico, Honduras, El Salvador, Haiti, Jamaica, inter alia.
  • During this week, local border entities prepare to deport 161 immigrants to India, a country with one of the highest population densities in the world.
    According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the virus spreads uncontrollably in overcrowded areas, therefore, deporting immigrants to India increases the risk for this disadvantaged territory that does not have enough medical supplies to counter the impact of the global pandemic.
  • They argue that one of the duties of the US as a developed and first world country is to protect international human rights, offering the possibility of asylum and refuge to the neediest immigrants fleeing from conflict, persecution, violence and danger in their countries.
  • Critics also say Trump is using the pandemic as an excuse to shut down opportunities for millions of immigrants.

The possible solution to this situation

It is evident that since President Trump took office in 2017, he has tried with all national resources to reduce illegal immigration.

Illegal immigration figures have dropped considerably during the global Coronavirus pandemic, and the current government expects these numbers to remain the same after the borders are reopened.

Therefore, the most accurate solution is to avoid illegal immigration at all costs, do not put your family at this kind of risk.

Many times it is more expensive and very dangerous to try to cross borders illegally.

In addition to that, following a correct immigration process will allow you to:

  • Obtain a legal residence permit in the United States.
  • Have the same social rights as any other legal citizen.
  • Apply to government and medical benefits.
  • Avoid possible deportation.
  • Apply to a legal job.

If you have an active deportation case, feel free to contact Motion Law to schedule a FREE Phone Consultation or click here to learn about our options.

For any other immigration case besides deportation…

We know that these are difficult times for many immigrant families and that is why we are here to guide you and help you in any immigration case to find the best alternative that suits your needs.

It is imperative to get the right guidance during the global pandemic, we cannot risk the future of our families in the US.

On top of that, immigration policies are changing constantly and it is better to have constant accompaniment from experts who are up-to-date on all USCIS processes.

If you have any questions about an immigration issue or relating to a case you may have currently in progress, then please don’t hesitate to contact us for a FREE Phone Consultation with one of our expert immigration attorneys.

Simply call Motion Law today at: (202) 918-1799.