ICE Plans Immigrant Detention Operations in Sanctuary Cities

ICE will conduct operations in sanctuary cities during October

Border forces during the presidency of Donald Trump

The political identity of current president of the US, Donald Trump, is strongly linked to the ideal of reducing the number of immigrants who cross the country’s borders unlawfully.

To achieve this goal, the Trump administration uses several strategies. For instance:

  • Increase border forces personnel, such as the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) or the Customs and Border Protection (CBP), both belonging to the Department of Homeland Security (DHS).
    In fact, the Trump administration has hired more than 10,000 ICE employees during his term, increasing surveillance at the borders of the US.
  • Carry out massive operations around the country to detain immigrants who managed to cross the borders without legal documentation. In this way, the government intends to “teach a lesson” to immigrants who violate local law and prevent more people from trying to cross the borders unlawfully.
  • Attempt to remove benefits offered to immigrants currently residing in the US. That is the case of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) and Temporary Protected Status (TPS).

Thus, border forces have played an essential role during President Trump’s term and are currently conducting their operations to support the president’s political campaign and his immigration agenda.

It is important to clarify that President Trump seeks re-election in November 2020, and one of the pillars of his campaign is, again, the immigration sector.

Need to keep up to date with immigration news, policies, and measures? Our Blog section is what you are looking for.

ICE operations to detain undocumented immigrants

One of the tasks of ICE is to carry out operations around the US to arrest undocumented immigrants and initiate deportation proceedings for them.

In fact, in one of our most recent articles, we talk about ICE already resuming detention operations after a brief pause due to the global Coronavirus pandemic. Official figures show that since mid-July 2020, ICE has detained more than 2,000 immigrants across the US.

Do you need to request your legal documentation in the US? Don’t miss your chance to submit a strong application! Contact Motion Law Immigration and follow the advice of experts.

ICE plans to conduct operations in sanctuary cities

Sanctuary cities are places known for protecting undocumented immigrants from deportation. These cities have laws that ban the cooperation with federal entities such as ICE or CBP.

However, despite the fact that these cities do not cooperate with ICE operations, the federal entity still has the power to conduct exhaustive investigations on its own to locate undocumented immigrants and proceed with the operations.

According to the testimony of three US officials, ICE will begin detention operations in sanctuary cities during October. The federal agency declares that the safety of citizens is at risk because these cities do not want to cooperate with the detention of undocumented immigrants.

Activists state that these operations are part of Trump’s presidential campaign, who has always criticized cities that implement sanctuary policies, arguing that they protect crime and violence.

Alternatives for your immigration case

It is exhausting to be constantly worried about deportation. That is why we recommend for you to start your immigration process now and obtain your legal documentation in the shortest possible time.

Our team of experts has helped many people in the same situation as you and will help you choose the process that best suits your current immigration needs.

If you have any questions about an immigration issue or relating to a case you may have currently in progress, then please don’t hesitate to contact us for a FREE Phone Consultation with one of our expert immigration attorneys.

Simply call Motion Law today at: (202) 918-1799.