ICE is Present in National Protests against Police Brutality

ICE is going to national protests asking for legal documentation

The history of Trump’s government and the border forces

The Republican Trump administration has focused since 2017 (the year when the president took office) on reducing immigration, especially illegal immigration.

On the one hand, the current government of the US has created several agreements with neighboring countries such as Mexico, Honduras and Guatemala to reduce immigration from Central American territory.

President Trump offered monetary aid to improve the quality of life in these countries and promised to speed up immigration requests if governments commit to the goal of reducing illegal immigration.

On the other hand, the government wants to initiate deportation processes for undocumented immigrants currently residing in the US.

In fact, deportations have increased considerably during the Donald Trump presidency and even more during the global Coronavirus pandemic.

The controversy of current immigration policies

This ideal of capturing undocumented immigrants has created a lot of controversy as the government is using agents from the Immigration and Customs Enforcement Service (ICE).

Border forces have an official order to go around the country and capture immigrants who do not have legal documentation.

It is well known that there are multiple Sanctuary Cities across the country and non-profit organizations that want to protect immigrants in the US.

They have raised their voices asking the government for help to allow undocumented immigrants to have the opportunity to present a valid case to the US Citizenship and Immigration Service (USCIS).

Trump’s administration has not heeded these requests and continues its plan to reduce illegal immigration and deport undocumented people.

If you need help with a Deportation Case, please click here.

ICE during the current juncture

Many critics around the country argue that the current US government is using the health and social crisis to meet its deportation goals.

In fact, ICE has played an important role during the crisis that we are currently facing.

Let’s look at some of the actions from ICE that have caught the attention of hundreds of immigrant rights advocates around the country.

  1. Immigrants are not allowed to enter the country temporarily, therefore, following a presidential order, ICE is processing deportations almost immediately when an immigrant reaches the US’ borders.
  2. There are dozens of cases of minors who have been deported during the health crisis caused by the Coronavirus.

On top of that, ICE agents are appearing in national protests against police brutality.

Immigrant rights advocates are accusing ICE of going to protests to try to capture undocumented immigrants and start deportation proceedings.

However, there is still no evidence to confirm the veracity of this fact.

The government must take the right decisions

It is imperative for the current administration of the US to focus on the problems that are causing chaos in the country and not only on immigration.

The social chaos unleashed by events that have occurred in recent weeks must generate a sense of urgency for the government to make the right decisions and protect the population.

It is the right time to submit your immigration request

Now that the USCIS offices have resumed their services, it is important to seek help from specialists to sumbit immigration applications and avoid inconveniences.

If you have any questions about an immigration issue or relating to a case you may have currently in progress, then please don’t hesitate to contact us for a FREE Phone Consultation with one of our expert immigration attorneys.

Simply call Motion Law today at: (202) 918-1799.