ICE Continues to Detain Hundreds of Undocumented Immigrants

ICE "Granite Operation" led to the arrest of more than 100 immigrants

Border forces and their role under the Trump administration

Immigration was a cornerstone of President Donald Trump’s political campaign to win the 2016 election. His administration promised, not only the border wall that separates the US from Mexico, but also to eradicate illegal immigration, restructure the immigration system, and protect the American population over immigrant communities.

Thus, during Trump’s term, the immigration system and its processes have changed considerably, from immigration processes based on family and employment, to humanitarian programs such as refuge, political asylum and Temporary Protected Status (TPS).

One of the main agents for the Trump administration is Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). This border entity is one of the branches of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and some of its tasks include, but are not limited to:

  • Oversee immigration detention centers around the US.
  • Protect borders and prevent illegal immigration.
  • Initiate deportation proceedings for undocumented immigrants.
  • Conduct operations around the country to detain immigrants who managed to cross the borders without prior authorization and do not have legal documentation.

Do you need to request your legal documentation in the US? Don’t miss your chance, contact Motion Law and follow the advice of reliable experts.

ICE detention operations

ICE has dramatically increased detention operations targeting undocumented immigrants in the US. This federal agency conducts exhaustive investigations, before carrying out operations, to locate unlawful immigrants.

Most of the targets are immigrants who have criminal records, legal charges, pending deportation proceedings, or may pose a threat to the American population.

Recently, just before the presidential elections, ICE has conducted multiple operations that have led to the capture of hundreds of undocumented immigrants.

In fact, in one of our most recent articles, we talk about an operation carried out during the first week of October in the so-called “sanctuary jurisdictions or cities”, which have laws that ban cooperation with border forces to avoid the arrest of undocumented immigrants in prisons or correctional facilities. During this operation, ICE detained more than 170 foreigners.

Adding to that, between October 19 and 23, ICE carried out an operation called “Operation Granite” and arrested more than 100 immigrants. This operation took place in:

  • Minnesota.
  • Ohio.
  • Missouri.
  • Kansas.
  • Michigan.
  • Texas.

ICE assures that, from this operation, more than 70% of detained immigrants have a criminal record and were previously detained by law enforcement entities of each state. Detainees are in the custody of ICE and have pending deportation proceedings.

Visit our Blog section to keep up to date with immigration news and policies.

Avoid illegal immigration and protect your future!

Crossing borders unlawfully never brings positive repercussions. Hence, it is imperative to follow legal processes to avoid adverse situations and protect the future you want to build in the US. To do so, having the constant accompaniment of experts is essential, especially during these times of crisis.

If you have any questions about an immigration issue or relating to a case you may have currently in progress, then please don’t hesitate to contact us for a FREE Phone Consultation with one of our expert immigration attorneys.

Simply call Motion Law today at: (202) 918-1799.