Businessman Recognizes the Need for Business Immigration

Businessman assures the US needs more immigrants

Businessman assures the US needs more immigrants

Massey Villarreal, CEO of a well-known information technology (IT) company, commented on the importance and role of immigration in a recent Austin Business Journal report. Villarreal states that thanks to the fact that his father migrated from Mexico in the 1940s, he had the opportunity to study and create a company that now employs more than 75 people and helps other companies grow technologically.

In his opinion, President-elect Joe Biden will have to adopt more welcoming immigration policies if he wants to help the US overcome the economic downturn brought by the health crisis.

The global Coronavirus pandemic undoubtedly affected the local market and it is essential to have the presence of highly qualified foreign workers, usually H-1B visa holders, to guarantee economic growth, the development of local companies and the creation of employment through entrepreneurship projects.

The impact of Trump’s policies on business immigration

What the current administration of the US (headed by President Donald Trump) did was to reduce and limit business immigration and ban the issuance of employment-based visas during the current juncture, arguing that American workers should be priority for local businesses. However, Villarreal states that restricting business immigration is only lengthening and worsening the economic crisis brought by the pandemic, forgetting the real contribution of immigration and the benefits it brings to the local population.

In fact, he states that “The Trump administration said these measures will increase employment for U.S. workers; but that’s simply not true. In fact, it could do the opposite.” The presence of foreign workers creates more jobs in the medium and long term because they contribute to the growth and socioeconomic development of local companies.

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The Biden administration must reverse Trump’s immigration policies

According to Villarreal, the new administration, after Biden takes office in January 2021, “should prioritize reversing some of the damage done on H-1B workers.” In his opinion, if the country wants to overcome the health crisis and regain economic balance and equilibrium, it must also have a stable immigration system, which allows the entry of highly qualified foreign workers and provides benefits to immigrants who plan to invest in the US.

That strategy would boost the economy and create jobs for the local population. In fact, Villareal openly states that “we can’t reach our full potential if we don’t have effective immigration policy from the federal government. President-elect Biden will need to prioritize policies that support and welcome immigrants — since we cannot get Americans back to work without them. This isn’t a partisan issue; it’s a practical one.”

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Protect your future and follow the advice of experts on immigration matters

Since the US is going through a transition period, not only because of the administrations, but also due to the arrival of the COVID-19 pandemic, immigration policies changed substantially in recent months.

Therefore, to follow the process correctly, it is essential to seek reliable help from immigration experts, who are up to date with current policies and will be able to guide you through every step of the way.

If you have any questions about an immigration issue or relating to a case you may have currently in progress, then please don’t hesitate to contact us for a FREE Phone Consultation with one of our expert immigration attorneys.

Simply call Motion Law today at: (202) 918-1799.