Board Supports Biden to Improve the Immigration System

Multnomah County Board asks Biden to improve the immigration system

Multnomah County Board asks Biden to improve the immigration system

On January 7, 2021, during the Multnomah County board meeting, in Oregon, Chair Deborah Kafoury commented on the need to protect H-1B visa holders (highly qualified foreign workers), as well as the most vulnerable immigrant communities as refugees and asylees, who have experienced precarious situations under the administration of Donald Trump.

The board states that Multnomah County supports immigration and wants to assist the incoming government (Biden-Harris) in reversing Trump’s policies, lifting current restrictions on business immigration and humanitarian programs, and reforming the immigration system, so that foreigners have the possibility to come to the US without so many obstacles, following legal processes.

According to the board’s opinion, the Trump administration has tremendously affected the immigration system and highly skilled foreign workers, H-1B visa holders, are having difficulty extending their legal permits due to restrictions implemented by the current president. Kafoury states that H-1B visa holders are essential workers in times of crisis, who contribute greatly to the socioeconomic development of local businesses.

On top of that, she states that President Trump, along with his cabinet, are still trying, during their last days in office, to curb immigration at all costs, which could increase pressure on the incoming administration.

Do you need help with an immigration case? Contact Motion Law and follow the advice of our experienced attorneys.

The Biden administration faces a challenge with the immigration system

On November 3, 2020, the American population elected the Democratic nominee, Joe Biden, as the next president of the US, who will take office on January 20, 2021.

One of the most relevant issues for the incoming government is immigration. In the opinion of the president-elect, immigration is extremely positive for the country’s economy, international competitiveness, local talent, important sectors such as science and technology, and national economic stability.

Therefore, during his political campaign, the Biden administration promised to remove Trump’s restrictive policies on the immigration sector, who has tried to reduce the number of foreigners entering the country by all possible means. With this, we refer to the fact that the Trump administration has hampered immigration processes of all kinds, from humanitarian programs such as political asylum, to immigration based on employment or family ties.

Conversely, the president-elect plans to increase benefits and legal alternatives to attract talent from abroad and help immigrant communities currently residing in the US, including those who are undocumented.

However, the Biden administration faces an unprecedented challenge because Trump has made more than 400 changes to the immigration system and continues to restrict multiple legal processes during his last days in office.

In fact, the Multnomah County Chair stated, “This task won’t be easy, and it won’t happen overnight. We at Multnomah County stand with immigrants and refugees, and we look forward to working with the new administration to both fix the harms perpetrated on these communities over the last four years and advance a safer and more equitable immigration system.”

Motion Law can guide you through your immigration journey in the US

Because immigration policies are constantly changing depending on the ideals and goals of the US administration, the best recommendation when starting an immigration journey is to seek reliable help from experts, who are up to date with current policies and can guide you towards the success of your application.

If you have any questions about an immigration issue or relating to a case you may have currently in progress, then please don’t hesitate to contact us for a FREE Phone Consultation with one of our expert immigration attorneys.

Simply call Motion Law today at: (202) 918-1799.