Asylum seekers have been forgotten

Asylum seekers in Mexico's borders without any protection

Government’s agenda regarding immigration

President Trump has fervently attempted to decrease immigration in the US, arguing that immigrants use public benefits but offer nothing in return to the country.

Since Trump took office in 2017, he has focused heavily on government strategies to reduce the entry of immigrants into the country.

He has repeatedly stated that his primary focus is illegal immigration, political asylum, and seeking refuge in the US.

With the current government, asylum / refuge applicants must wait a considerable amount of time for a response from the US Citizenship and Immigration Service (USCIS) regarding their cases.

They are taken to immigration detention centers around the country. When they are families with minors, most of the times they are separated and the children are taken to juvenile detention centers and remain in the custody of the US government until they receive a response to their immigration case.

When detention centers are full, immigrants must remain on the borders of Mexico in makeshift camps where they do not have enough resources to survive.

However, everything has changed since the arrival of the Coronavirus in the US and asylum and refuge policies are even more drastic today.

Asylum seekers amid the global pandemic

The current reality of immigrant families seeking asylum in the US is alarming.

President Trump temporarily canceled all requests for asylum and refuge due to the health crisis caused by COVID-19.

Therefore, millions of families must wait at the borders of Mexico for several months until USCIS provides an answer to their requests.

They live on donations from immigrant rights advocates who constantly fight to help them survive.

Most worryingly, immigrants live in overcrowded temporary camps, without any specialized medical care.

That represents an imminent threat to innocent immigrants who are only waiting for a response to their requests.

Furthermore, it is essential to remember that the reason why immigrant families request asylum or refuge is because they flee from precarious situations in their countries. They are escaping danger and political persecution and it is the duty of the First World countries to grant and guarantee international protection to these families.

The US and the risk of decreasing immigration

The current government must carefully evaluate the repercussions of reducing immigration.

The figures clearly show that a significant percentage of America’s economic growth is based on the workforce of immigrants and the small and medium-sized businesses they create to boost the economy.

Millions of workers travel annually to the country to help progress and socioeconomic development of local companies.

Thus, the US can repay all this help from the immigrant population by helping families who need political protection through asylum or refuge.

Pending immigration cases

There are many ways to enter and legally reside in the US, and it is best to avoid difficult circumstances for our families.

Therefore, if you have any questions about an immigration issue or relating to a case you may have currently in progress, then please don’t hesitate to contact us for a FREE Phone Consultation with one of our expert immigration attorneys.

Simply call Motion Law today at: (202) 918-1799.