ICE Deportation Numbers Declining

ICE Reports Decrease in Immigration Detention

ICE Reports Decrease in Immigration Detention

US Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), the agency in charge of enforcing immigration laws, reports a decrease in the number of arrests and deportations of undocumented immigrants.

If you need help with an immigration case of any kind, our team can help – contact Motion Law Immigration, schedule a FREE Consultation and take the advice of our experienced attorneys!

ICE’s approach during Trump’s term

During Donald Trump’s term, ICE expanded the criteria on apprehensions of undocumented immigrants and used mass deportation processes.

Among the measures implemented, ICE officers conducted raids at workplaces and immigration courts.

These protocols were strongly criticized by immigrant advocacy organizations as instilling fear among undocumented workers.

Do you need help with an immigration case of any kind in the US? Then do not hesitate to Contact Motion Law Immigration, schedule a FREE Consultation and follow the advice of our experienced attorneys. Our team can help you regardless of whether you plan to start your immigration journey from scratch or if you need to complete a pending process already within the country.

Change of focus in the Biden administration

Since Biden took office, ICE’s focus has changed considerably, with the priority now being to deport foreign nationals accused of committing serious crimes.

Apart from that, the agency also prioritized the apprehension of those individuals who pose a risk to the nation’s security.

This change in focus considerably reduced the pressure to deport essential foreign workers who do not yet have legal documentation to remain in the country.

It is important to clarify that current ICE provisions do not exempt undocumented foreigners from facing legal consequences for not complying with the protocols established by the immigration system.

Avoid precarious situations and follow legal guidelines when starting your immigration journey in the US, surely there is at least one option that could suit your current needs. Contact Motion Law Immigration and ask for your FREE Consultation with our experienced attorneys.

ICE deportation figures

According to a Reuters report, in the last year, ICE recorded a significant reduction in the number of deportations, considering that:

  • During fiscal year 2021, there were 74,000 arrests of immigrants acussed of aggravated felonies. This is one of the lowest numbers in the last decade.
  • ICE also reported a reduction in the number of deportations in general. In 2020, there were 186,000 deportations and in 2021, only 56,000.

Irregular migration will not allow you to have guarantees for your future. It is best to seek reliable help from experts and follow the legal guidelines set by the local immigration system. Contact Motion Law Immigration, schedule a FREE Consultation and follow the advice of our experienced attorneys!

Your future depends heavily on the response you receive to your immigration application

It is no secret that starting an immigration process in the US is not always the easiest task. However, our team of experts really simplifies the process for you and can provide constant accompaniment during your immigration journey. Please don’t hesitate to contact us for a FREE Phone Consultation with one of our expert immigration attorneys.

Simply call Motion Law today at: (202) 918-1799.