Business Immigration Under the Biden Administration

President-elect could change business immigration policies

Business immigration in the US

It is no secret that the US is a world power and a first world country, which is known for offering good quality of life to the local population, employment opportunities, social benefits, stable economy, inter alia.

That is why it is the destination for thousands of immigrants annually, who seek viable alternatives to build a better future and find opportunities for employment, personal and economic growth.

This applies not only to immigrants who need political asylum or refuge while trying to flee danger, persecution and violence of their countries, but also to highly-qualified foreign workers, who use employment-based alternatives.

These work permits or visas are issued by the US Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS). In fact, it is usually American or US-based companies who are in charge of requesting work permits for foreign employees.

Business immigration has played a key role in the growth and development of the economy in recent decades.

Do you need help with a business immigration case? Our team of experts can help you!

The Trump administration’s plan to reduce business immigration

Despite results of multiple studies and investigations, the current administration of the US, headed by President Donald Trump, states that mass business immigration can be detrimental to the local market and affect American workers.

In the Trump administration’s view, local companies:

  • Abuse the business immigration system.
  • Tend to pay foreign workers lower wages than local workers.
  • Leave American workers behind and prefer foreign workforce.

Therefore, during his term, mainly after the arrival of the Coronavirus pandemic, President Trump and his cabinet issued multiple proclamations, official orders, final rules, policies and measures that substantially diminished the possibility for companies to hire highly skilled foreign workers.

For more details about Trump’s policies: “Latest Restrictions on Business Immigration.”

Also, if you have a non-business immigration case, our team can help you! Contact us today.

President-elect could change Trump’s policies

The US’ presidential elections took place on November 3, and the local population chose Joe Biden, belonging to the Democratic political party, to lead the country for the next four years. He was vice president during Barack Obama’s term and has mentioned business immigration multiple times during his presidential campaign.

Biden has referred to business immigration as something positive for the US, which contributes to the socioeconomic development of local businesses, creating jobs and boosting the economy in times of global crisis.

Adding to that, the president-elect has also mentioned employment-based Green Cards, or permanent legal residence, which allow foreign workers to stay in the country after the expiration of their work visas.

Therefore, it is possible that, under his administration, business immigration and policies implemented by Trump take another course and destination, allowing the growth of business immigration and, therefore, the local economic system.

If you have any questions about an immigration issue or relating to a case you may have currently in progress, then please don’t hesitate to contact us for a FREE Phone Consultation with one of our expert immigration attorneys.

Simply call Motion Law today at: (202) 918-1799.